Friday, March 27,2020

Dear CUE Family,

The OSDE has determined that our school facilities are to be closed for the remainder of the term. We are now implementing the Distance Learning method of education. Here is what that will look like for your student(s).

Distance Learning simply means that your student’s educational process will be conducted from home.     However, the curriculum and lesson plans, will be developed and pushed out by the classroom teacher.

On Monday, April 6 at 8am, you should receive a digital copy of a grade-level Learning Menu. On it you will see approximately 30 activities/lessons. It will be divided up by content area and days of the week. Simply have your student complete an activity.  Then, you will sign off on the menu verifying that it has been completed. You will then return the copy of the menu with your signatures attached. Digital resources, such as Study Island, will be used as a tool of enrichment and instruction as well.

By now, the classroom teacher and you, have hopefully established an avenue of communication. Class Dojo, email, texts, and/or some type of digital communication, is preferable. If not, simply request a hard copy by contacting either the teacher or emailing an administrator, and we will gladly make that option available to you.

There will be two weeks of information on the first Learning Menu. Additional menus will follow on April 20th and May 4. We are following up with previously learned material and will be introducing new standards. The great news is, that 95% of the standards for the 2019-2010 school year have been covered. Normally at this time, teachers are reinforcing and    reteaching students to prepare them for the State Tests.

We are empathetic and have the utmost concern for you and your families during this time. We understand the hardships and struggles that you are facing. The CUE Staff wants Distance Learning to be as “parent friendly” as possible. Your student’s teacher is going to assist you and will be setting a schedule for availability. The students can also look forward to a special reading time with her and possible video interactions.

Thank you for participating in the surveys that are being pushed out. From these, we gain important information that helps us better serve our families. If your student is urgently needing supplies and or personal items from the CUE, please contact a building administrator. At an appropriate time, we will be providing a future pick-up date for items.



Arlin Stacy